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Young Investigator Forum

The ANMS is pleased to announce a unique education/mentoring program, the ANMS Young Investigator Forum to be held on August 7-8, 2025 held simultaneously with the ANMS Clinical Course, Enteric Nervous System (ENS) and  Scientific Meeting. The recipients will be chosen from a competitive abstract submission process and 15 young investigators whose scientific work will have been judged as one of the highest scoring abstracts submitted will be invited to attend the ANMS Young Investigator Forum.  Your abstract may also be chosen to present in the Scientific Meeting.  You are required  also participate in the Clinical Course and/or ENS or  Scientific Meeting that begins at 8:00 am on August 8 and concludes on Sunday, August 10.  The meeting will be held at the Hyatt in downtown Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Awardees will receive complimentary registration, up to three nights lodging and a travel award, and have a unique opportunity to interact with world renowned faculty, and participate in a one-on-one mentoring program over 1.5 days.  Arrive in time for  a networking dinner on August 6 and the meeting will be all day on August 7.  It will be required to stay for the entire ANMS Annual Meeting from August 6-10, 2025.

Abstract Deadline: April 7, 2025 (11:59 pm midnight EST)

Submit your Abstract online here

Use the pull down menu entitled Young Investigator Forum on the Abstract Submission Form if you would like your abstract considered for the Young Investigator Forum and  upload a CV or Biosketch at the time of submission.

Eligibility: Candidates for participation will be current gastroenterology fellows, medical and PhD students, residents, postdoctoral fellows, or junior faculty (less than 2 years on faculty at the time of the meeting and in an early stage of an independent career) in both basic science and clinical investigation). The award criteria are based on career status and the scientific quality of the abstract. Each abstract will be reviewed and scored by reviewers and the awards based on the highest scoring abstract.

Submission materials: 1) Curriculum vitae; 2) Scientific abstract – The abstract submission can be a new abstract or one previously submitted to another scientific meeting, and should be 2700 or fewer characters.

To allow an opportunity for all eligible candidates to participate, if you have participated in a YIF program in the past, you are not eligible for future programs.

A Grant proposal is required if abstract is accepted 6 weeks prior to the meeting date. A 2-5 page NIH grant proposal or Research Aims and hypothesis). This will be used for the purposes of discussion and faculty input during the small group breakout session on grant writing skills.

All participants are encouraged to bring academic-related questions on topics to be discussed and other pertinent issues.

The Forum’s objectives are:

  1. To provide a unique opportunity for one-on-one mentoring of young investigators (trainees) who will pursue an academic career in FGIDs and neurogastroenterology and gastrointestinal motility disorders;
  2. To interact with young investigators by engaging in small group discussions, and providing didactic lectures on core academic topics (publishing, grant submissions, giving lectures, and starting a motility lab);
  3. To provide and develop leadership skills and discuss opportunities for academic growth and development

Abstract Category Choices:
Appetite Regulation, Satiety, Obesity, and Nutrition
Biliary, Pancreatic and Small Intestinal Physiology, Pathophysiology, and Clinical Disorders
Brain Gut Axis in Health and Disease
Colon and Anorectum: Physiology, Pathophysiology, and Clinical Disorders
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion Research
Enteric Nervous System Neurobiology and Circuitry: Neurons, Glia, Smooth Muscle Cell, ICC
Epidemiology, Genetics, Cross-Cultural and Psychosocial Factors in Functional GI Disorders in Adults
Esophageal Physiology, Pathophysiology, and Clinical Disorders
Gastric Physiology, Pathophysiology, and Clinical Disorders
GI Motility and Functional GI Disorders in Children and Adolescents
Gut Electric Stimulation and Recording
Microbiome and Probiotics in GI Health and Disease
Neuroimmune Modulation of Secretomotor, Vasomotor, Pain and Barrier Functions in Health and Disease
New Methods and Approaches to Understanding Neruogastroenterology and Motility
Pharmacotherapy and Pharmacogenomics
Psychogastroenterology and Behavioral Interventions
Sex Differences in Neurogastroenterology and Motility
Signaling: Hormones, Neurotransmitters, Receptors, Channels, Secondary Messengers

Instructions for Authors on Setting up Abstract

  1. Type the abstract in 10 point Times New Roman. The title, authors, and affiliation must be included on the MSword file that is uploaded as well as included in the on-line submission form. Simple graphs and tables may be included if they fit within the template. The size of the template is 6.5 inches wide x 5.28 inches high (landscape mode). The page margins are top, right, and left 0.25 inches and bottom 0.29 inches. Check your document to ensure the margins are set as above before submitting.  The abstract document is limited to 2,500 characters not including the title, authors, affiliations, city and state.
  2. Title: The title should be brief, clearly indicating the nature of the study. Type is in bold and all CAPS.
  3. Authors: State all authors’ initials and last names only. Italicize the presenting author’s name.
  4. Affiliation: List institutional affiliations, city, and state, separated by a semicolon (;). The following symbols *, †, and ‡ may be used to denote more than one affiliation.
    See the following example:
    The annual meeting will be held in San Francisco, California. J Wiley,* GN Verne.† *University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI  †University of Tennessee, Memphis, TN.

Step-by-Step Instructions for Electronic Submission

  1. Click on the link Submit Abstract.
  2. On the screen that appears, review the instructions and click Continue.
  3. “Sign up” and create an account. If you already have an account, click the “sign in here” link instead.
  4. After creating an account, sign in and click on the “Create a new abstract submission button“.
  5. You will be asked to complete the CME disclosure / content validation form. A new screen will open. Complete this form and then return to the abstract submission screen.
  6. Verify that you have completed the CME disclosure / content validation form and proceed to create a new abstract submission.
  7. Complete the abstract submission form.
  8. In the “Co-author” section, add each co-author’s details individually and click “Save” for each co-author.
  9. In the “Abstract Microsoft Word document” section, click “Choose file” to select the abstract Microsoft Word document that you have created and click Open/Upload to attach your abstract document to the submission.
  10. Before clicking the “Submit” button, review your submission for accuracy. When you click “Submit“, you will receive a message that your abstract submission form has been accepted. Print this page as a confirmation of your submission.

A note about the uploading your abstract document:
There are two submission options: 1. download the pre-formatted Microsoft Word template or 2. upload an existing abstract document that meets the size requirements. Note, the title, authors, and affiliation must also be included in the uploaded abstract document – a whole abstract that would appear in publication.  All authors are to be input on the abstract submission form as well..
If you use the pre-formatted Microsoft Word template, download the template to your hard drive, paste your abstract inside it, and save it. When you open this template, display it in the Print Layout mode (under View) to ensure that the correct formatting has been maintained. If you have already typed your abstract, you may copy and paste it into the template. IMPORTANT: Font must be 10 pt Times New Roman. The abstract must fit within the template on one page or it will be considered a non-submission. The template is 6.5 inches wide x 5.28 inches high (portrait mode). The margins are top, right, and left 0.25 inches and bottom 0.29 inches. Check your document to ensure the margins are set as above before submitting.

We hope you will consider attending the meeting and look forward to seeing you in Austin and sharing in this exciting meeting.