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Career Coaching Program

The American Neurogastroenterology and Motility Society (ANMS) Membership, Mentoring, Diversity and Inclusion Committee (MMDI) offers a Coaching Program in Neurogastroenterology and Motility to help early-stage clinicians and scientists (MDs, DOs, PhDs, APPs, RDs or DVMs) support their research careers. Areas of interest can be tailored to include clinical, basic science or translational science research. The objective of the program is to provide guidance to early-stage scientists with interest in the field of neurogastroenterology and motility and disorders of gut-brain interaction. For young scientists, a valuable coach may have a tremendous impact on an individual’s career and future success. Any trainee and early career members of ANMS who seek outside coaching are encouraged to apply for a mentee position.

Description of ANMS Coaching Program

Mentees who wish to have a research coach/mentor outside of their own institution may apply. Merited investigators with both research and mentoring experience are similarly encouraged to apply or may be requested to participate by an ANMS Council member.

The ANMS MMDI Committee will review the applications and assign appropriate coach/mentor–mentee pair to the extent possible based on research experience and interests. The mentor will be provided with the mentee’s application and relevant information. The mentor will be introduced to the mentee virtually or at one of the annual national meetings (e.g., ANMS, ACG, AGA, DDW, NASPGHAN) by member of the ANMS MMDI Committee. At this meeting, the goals of the mentoring program will be reviewed.

The mentor will help provide mentees with regular suggestions, guidance, and assistance on their research careers. This can be performed through virtual meetings, by e-mail, telephone calls, and in-person meetings, if local. We suggest that the coach/mentors-mentees have a virtual meeting at least every two months, preferably monthly, in addition a minimum one in-person meeting at an annual conference if possible. A progress report, prepared by the mentee and signed by the coach/mentor, should be submitted semiannually.

A minimum one-year commitment is requested by the coach/mentor-mentee pair. An evaluation form must be submitted at the end of the year (or end of the coaching/mentoring period if extended). The ANMS MMDI Committee will use these forms to track success of the match and help improve the program.


The mentee form is for interested individuals who wish to have a coach. The mentee could be a resident, clinical fellow, young clinician, postdoctoral student or scientist (MDs, DOs, PhDs, APPs, RDs or DVMs) in the fields of clinical and basic science related to neurogastroenterology and motility, disorders of gut-brain interaction, and functional GI disorders. The mentee must be a member of ANMS.
Non-ANMS members must complete the ANMS membership application form online at

Criteria for mentees

  1. Seeking an academic career in neurogastroenterology and motility,  disorders of gut-brain interactions and functional GI disorders.
  2. Less than five years out of postgraduate training
  3. Able to have virtual meetings with coach/mentor once every two months.
  4. Willing to complete a brief annual progress report and a final evaluation form.


The ANMS council believes it is essential to our field that established investigators help young scientists and clinicians advance their careers. We encourage experienced ANMS members to participate as coaches/mentors. The coach/mentor will help an individual who is beginning a career in neurogastroenterology and motility, disorders of gut-brain interactions, and functional GI disorders.  The coach/mentor should have sufficient experience in neurogastroenterology and motility, disorders of gut-brain interaction, and functional GI disorders research. The mentor may assist with specific guidance on research focus, ideas and grant applications as well as general career advice. The coach/mentor must be a member of ANMS.

Criteria for mentors

  1. Able to have a phone conversation or virtual meeting with mentee once every two months
  2. Active researcher – defined as at least an average of one publication a year for the last five years
  3. Worked within their field for at least five years
  4. Willing to complete a final evaluation form.


Click here for Mentee Application

Click here for Coach Application