The ANMS is pleased to announce a unique educational program this year held simultaneously with the ANMS Annual Meeting entitled ANMS Advanced Motility Program for Fellows. The meeting is Thursday, July 25, 2024 for 2nd and 3rd year Fellows interested in motility.
Application Deadline: May 22, 2024 by midnight ET
Learning Session’s objectives:
Morning sessions will be led by (KOL) on esophageal motility and afternoon sessions will be led by (KOL) on anorectal motility.
There will be 15-20 recipients selected from a competitive statement submission. The highest scoring statements will be invited to participate in the full ANMS Annual meeting in addition to attending the ANMS Advanced Motility Program for Fellows. The Fellow program will begin Thursday, July 25, 2024 at 8:00 am and conclude with a mixer and dinner. It will be required of the awardees to stay for the entire ANMS Meeting that will conclude on Sunday, July 28 at noon.
Awardees will have a unique opportunity to interact with world renowned faculty and participate in a one-on-one educational program. In addition, each awardee will receive complimentary registration, up to three nights lodging and a travel award.
Eligibility: Current 2nd and 3rd year gastroenterology Fellows interested in motility. The award criteria are based on your statement on why you are interested in motility and long-term goals in the motility and neurogastroenterology field. Each application/statement will be reviewed and scored by reviewers and the award is based on the highest scoring applications.
Submission materials: 1) Curriculum vitae 2) Statement
All participants are expected to participate in the Clinical Course that will end at noon on Sunday, July 28, 2024.