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Poster Instructions

Instructions for Poster Presenters

ANMS has partnered with FedEx to provide convenient onsite poster printing for the ANMS 2023 Annual Meeting at the Fairmont Austin.

Posters cannot be larger than 45 inches x 45 inches.


Session Dates:  Friday, August 11 and Saturday, August 12, 2023
Presentation Time: Friday, August 11 from 6:00-7:30 pm (must be at poster during this time).
Saturday, August 12 from 12:30-2:00 pm (must be at poster during this time).

Mount Time:  Friday, August 11 from 2:00 pm-4:00 pm
Dismount:  Immediately at conclusion of session on Saturday (by 2:30 pm)
Location:  Manchester AB Ballroom – 5th Floor

ODD numbered posters, will present on Friday and EVEN numbered posters will present on Saturday. However, all posters are to be mounted by 4:00 pm on Friday.
Please mount your materials on your poster board at the time indicated above.

    • The poster board  will have 4 posters per board, two on each side. You will be sharing this space with another presenter. Each poster cannot be any larger than 45 inches x 45 inches.
    • At the top should be the Title, Authors,  then the Body of the Abstract
    • Your Poster Number will be  located in the upper left hand corner of the board. When you enter the Poster Session Room, look for your poster number and then place your poster on the board that has your Poster Number, do not confuse this with the Abstract or Program Number.
    • Push pins will be provided to mount your poster.

ANMS Scientific Poster Printing Onsite at the Fairmont in FedEx Office
42”x42” Indoor Gloss Poster
with Poster Tube $99.82 + taxes

If interested in this offer, submit this form at the following url with your poster file to by Friday, August 4th to ensure your order can be completed and ready for pickup at the start of the event.


Click here for form.